There was a moratorium ordinance, for enrollment of new Tribal members, passed by the Tribal Council on July 1, 2002, which expired at midnight on June 30, 2007.
At the Tribal Council Meeting on June 2, 2007, the Tribal Council voted unanimously to extend the enrollment moratorium on enrolling new Tribal Members until 2 years after the opening of the Tribal casino in Richmond California, effective at midnight on June 30, 2007.
This continues to leave Tribal enrollment open for lineal descendents reaching the age of 18 years old and for newborns of current Tribal Members only. Note: lineal descendants reaching the age of 18 years old must enroll within one year of turning 18 years old and must wait one year after enrollment before they may receive per capita or revenue sharing payments. Newborns must be enrolled within one year of their birth date. |