Emergency Repairs are provided to members who own their property. This program, also funded though NAHASDA, provides assistance with home repairs. Routine maintenance and cosmetic repairs are not covered under the program.
Transitional Housing Program (funded by NAHASDA) provides a unique opportunity for members who are participating in an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program to receive housing and counseling assistance after completion of rehab. Scotts Valley recognizes that recovering alcoholics or substance abusers often return from a rehabilitation program and have no place to go except back to the environment that contributed to their problems. As a result, the Tribe designed a program to assist members with up to six months of housing and counseling during which time they have a safe and healthy environment to help them adjust. While the number of participants in this program is small in comparison to other housing programs, it is of vital importance in promoting and supporting Tribal members who are trying to remain alcohol and drug free.
Tribally Owned Housing- has just been completed for (3) rental-housing units. Tribal members who meet HUD income requirements and the Scotts Valley Housing Authority criteria will occupy these houses.

Debt Counseling is available for Indian people who want to begin clearing up credit problems so that they will be able to qualify to purchase a home in the future. The Housing Authority pays the cost of credit reports and works with individuals on clearing up debts and budgeting.

Other Programs - Annual workshops are provided by the Housing staff to educate members on home loan requirements, home maintenance and repairs, debt counseling and home safety. Smoke alarms and deadbolt locks are provided to members upon their request.